+65 6554 3633 info@eneind.com

Energy-Saving Products

Energy-saving or energy-conservation applications are often the most economical solutions to energy shortages, energy costs, and climate change. Energy-saving applications reduce energy consumption, and thus reduce the growth in energy supply needed to keep up with population growth. This reduces energy costs, the costs for new power plants, and fuel imports. Eventually, this also leads to lessening the climate change. The practice of using the energy-saving products has encouraged many industrial and commercial users to use energy efficiently, and thus maximize profit.

At ENE, we supply a complete range of energy-saving products such as Ecolite Optical Lighting (GreenLabel certified), Induction Lamp, LED and T5 Lighting. In addition, we also supply Nano Reflectors that help businesses to reduce the energy usage of their existing lighting. For a free consultation, feel free to contact us.



Ecolite Optical Lighting

cdm optical lighting

Induction Lamp

induction lamp

T8-to-T5 Conversion Kits

T8 to T8 conversion kit

Nano Reflectors

energy-saving nano reflectors

LED Lights

LED Lights

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting